The Montenegrin opportunists for subsidies know that the quickest and easiest way to make money in Montenegro is to be involved in politics. That’s where opportunists see the treasure chest of EU grants and loans. In fact, it can be said that the majority of those working in Montenegrin politics do so because of the availability of grant money, which facilitates employment. Granted, one might understand them to some extent, considering the limited opportunities in the country. The lack of opportunities is something many fully comprehend.
Read the Swedish version here.
Unfortunately, a Montenegrin state, as it stands today, does not belong to Europe. All European values regarding democracy, economic policies for transparency, stability, and human rights are incompatible with Montenegro’s current state. How can we, Swedes, unite on a European level with a state full of corruption and extremely poor development?
Most in the country are aware that Montenegro has been ruined from the ground up, and it would take a miracle to turn the trash can upside down and throw out all the garbage inside.
Many have issues with Montenegro
Should Sweden or other EU countries really help the country get back on its feet? In a previous article, I jokingly suggested that Swedes should. It’s a very difficult task. It’s not like you can just send Swedes to be installed in new ministerial positions and other important roles. One might have wished it were possible, but it’s not without being accused of occupation. However, I actually believe that there is a small chance that Montenegrin opportunists would have no problem obeying new rulers as long as it means money flowing into the country.
Another problem that many have with Montenegro is that they don’t like countries that sell out their land and soul for a small amount of pocket change. When you sell a country, you force an innocent population into suffering for many years. Those who govern the country lie to the EU about creating positive changes in the country with EU grants and loans. Much of it is fake and goes to many fabricated political projects that later ensure that a little money magically ends up in the pockets of the rulers. Just log in to any Instagram account belonging to a Montenegrin politician, and you’ll realize they are embarrassing subsidy opportunists.
Montenegro and their EU dreams
Some don’t belong in the European community. It doesn’t matter if the country is in Europe, as Montenegro is. It’s worth reminding you, readers, that Montenegro has, for a long period, sold citizenship to thousands of people who would never have been allowed to stay in Europe through legal means. These people are not the ones we want if the EU borders with Montenegro were to open.
The Montenegrin government is, as the title suggests, opportunistic. Even a crypto founder was granted citizenship in 2022 after unprincipled hopes that he would turn Montenegro into some kind of hub for crypto. Like all other cases, this matter is ill-considered and a craving for a little money.
Bizarre gifts are given out by politicians and state-funded individuals
One of the most bizarre things Montenegrin politicians and other state-funded individuals do is give out gifts. They do so to various organizations, individuals, and companies. They publish their suspected bribery on social media. They seem not to understand that they contribute to corruption and conflicts of interest when giving and receiving gifts, or maybe they just don’t care.
In Sweden, bribery is a crime, as it is in other EU countries. The penalty for accepting or giving a bribe is a fine or imprisonment for up to two years. For a serious offense, the penalty is imprisonment for at least six months and up to six years. Similar laws apply throughout the EU.